Business » NWMPA Trader Profile


North Melbourne’s treasure chest

August 14th, 2024 - Jon Fleetwood

For the past 22 years, one North Melbourne trader has turned his knack for finding treasure into the area’s very own antique paradise. 


Construction of Arden St riding lanes under way

August 14th, 2024 - Jon Fleetwood

As a part of its riding lane program, the City of Melbourne has begun installing separated lanes in Arden St in North Melbourne. 

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Victorian Archives Centre features Reception This Way

August 14th, 2024 - Jon Fleetwood

The Victorian Archives Centre in North Melbourne is holding a new exhibition, giving Melburnians the opportunity to take a step back in time and revisit some classic Australian motels. 

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Macaulay Amendment C417

August 14th, 2024 - Simon Harvey

On Thursday, August 8 I logged online to listen to an information session by the City of Melbourne’s planning team, and “have my say” in framing the proposed planning scheme amendment (Macaulay Amendment C417) to the Melbourne Planning Scheme. 

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City of Melbourne elections: where things are at

August 14th, 2024 - Sean Car

We’ve learned plenty more during this past month about the makeup of the field competing for Melbourne Town Hall at October’s City of Melbourne elections. Here’s a snapshot …

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Government goes out to tender for Arden

August 14th, 2024 - Sean Car

The state government is currently seeking expressions of interest from developers to help deliver urban renewal in the Arden Precinct – a move which has drawn concern from right across the community.

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North Melbourne residents put a foot down to prevent apartment crime 

August 14th, 2024 - Jon Fleetwood

While apartment crime in Melbourne has risen during the past year, residents of a North Melbourne apartment block have found a way to make their building more secure and significantly reduce the number of break-ins. 

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“Dispensing justice”: Melbourne lawyers’ tribute to the California Highway Patrol

August 14th, 2024 - Sean Car

Whether it be in or out of court, respect for the law is something local lawyers Robert McHugh and Simon Bacon have in common, as personified by their shared appreciation for these stunning Moto Guzzi police bikes.

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Tree planting begins in Kensington

August 14th, 2024 - Rebecca Shepherd

The City of Melbourne began tree planting works in four streets in Kensington in August, as part of the Kensington Urban Forest Precinct Plan 2014-2024. 

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North West City News tours the West Gate Tunnel Project

August 14th, 2024 - Rebecca Shepherd

A busload of curious locals set out for a behind the scenes tour of the West Gate Tunnel Project on Saturday, July 27, as part of the Open House Melbourne weekend.

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Feeling good about her choices

September 9th, 2021 - Rhonda Dredge
Vision Australia need local puppy carers

Vision Australia need local puppy carers

September 9th, 2021 - Spencer Fowler Steen
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